LST Coverage

Shows the LSTs (in hours) and JDs for which data is collected. Green represents data, red means no data.

Delay spectrum

Delay spectrum CLEANed using uvtools.dspec.high_pass_fourier_filter with 7th-order Blackman-Harris window function. Odd/even visibilities are used to remove noise bias.

Waterfalls of delay spectra for autocorrelation

These plots show autocorrelation delay spectrum waterfalls of each antenna that is active and whose status qualifies for this notebook. For nn/ee polarization, the autocorrelation delay spectrum is normalized by the max of the delay spectrum. For ne polarization, the autocorrelation delay spectrum is normalized by max(sqrt(|nn| |ee|)). ne and en are the same for autocorrelations, and thus only ne is shown here. The delay spectra are presented in dB with 20log10($|\tilde{V}|$).

For each node, antennas are ordered by SNAP number, and within that by SNAP input number. The antenna number label color corresponds to the a priori status of that antenna.

nn polarization

ee polarization

ne polarization

Analysis of 2700ns features in delay spectra

This plot shows the relative amplitude at 2700 ns feature. The relative amplitude is calculated in dB with the mean amplitude at 2500-3000 ns compared to the mean amplitude at 2000-2500 ns. Larger values of relative feature amplitude indicate higher probability of detecting the peak at 2700 ns. Antennas in the same node are grouped by the shaded region.

This plot shows a matrix representing the 2700ns feature correlation of each baseline. The color bar indicates the amplitude of 2700ns (mean amplitude of 2500-3000ns delay spectrum) in dB which is the same as that in the above plot.

Analysis of noise floor in delay spectra

This plot shows the ratio of delay spectrum to noise floor (averaged over 1000-4000ns). Near 1 indicates the delay spectrum reaches to the noise floor, which may mean good.

This table shows the ratio of the delay spectrum to the noise level from diff files for different frequency bands and pols. The ratio > 3 is colored in red

Delay spectrum and autocorrelation plot per baseline per polarization for a given frequency (sub-)band

Left panel: time averaged delay spectum of autocorrelation in dB with 20*log10($|\tilde{V}|$) (blue) and noise from diff file representing the expected variance of the delay spectrum (red)

Right panel: time averaged autocorrelations w/o (orange) and w/ xRFI flags (blue). Flagged one is shifted from the unflagged one for clarity