Josh Dillon, Last Revised January 2022
This notebook examines an individual antenna's performance over a whole season. This notebook parses information from each nightly rtp_summary
notebook (as saved to .csvs) and builds a table describing antenna performance. It also reproduces per-antenna plots from each auto_metrics
notebook pertinent to the specific antenna.
import os
from IPython.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))
# If you want to run this notebook locally, copy the output of the next cell into the next line of this cell.
# antenna = "004"
# csv_folder = '/lustre/aoc/projects/hera/H5C/H5C_Notebooks/_rtp_summary_'
# auto_metrics_folder = '/lustre/aoc/projects/hera/H5C/H5C_Notebooks/auto_metrics_inspect'
# os.environ["ANTENNA"] = antenna
# os.environ["CSV_FOLDER"] = csv_folder
# os.environ["AUTO_METRICS_FOLDER"] = auto_metrics_folder
# Use environment variables to figure out path to the csvs and auto_metrics
antenna = str(int(os.environ["ANTENNA"]))
csv_folder = os.environ["CSV_FOLDER"]
auto_metrics_folder = os.environ["AUTO_METRICS_FOLDER"]
print(f'antenna = "{antenna}"')
print(f'csv_folder = "{csv_folder}"')
print(f'auto_metrics_folder = "{auto_metrics_folder}"')
antenna = "227" csv_folder = "/home/obs/src/H6C_Notebooks/_rtp_summary_" auto_metrics_folder = "/home/obs/src/H6C_Notebooks/auto_metrics_inspect"
display(HTML(f'<h1 style=font-size:50px><u>Antenna {antenna} Report</u><p></p></h1>'))
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 1000)
import glob
import re
from hera_notebook_templates.utils import status_colors, Antenna
# load csvs and auto_metrics htmls in reverse chronological order
csvs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(csv_folder, 'rtp_summary_table*.csv')))[::-1]
print(f'Found {len(csvs)} csvs in {csv_folder}')
auto_metric_htmls = sorted(glob.glob(auto_metrics_folder + '/auto_metrics_inspect_*.html'))[::-1]
print(f'Found {len(auto_metric_htmls)} auto_metrics notebooks in {auto_metrics_folder}')
Found 158 csvs in /home/obs/src/H6C_Notebooks/_rtp_summary_ Found 155 auto_metrics notebooks in /home/obs/src/H6C_Notebooks/auto_metrics_inspect
# Per-season options
mean_round_modz_cut = 4
dead_cut = 0.4
crossed_cut = 0.0
def jd_to_summary_url(jd):
return f'{jd}.html'
def jd_to_auto_metrics_url(jd):
return f'{jd}.html'
this_antenna = None
jds = []
# parse information about antennas and nodes
for csv in csvs:
df = pd.read_csv(csv)
for n in range(len(df)):
# Add this day to the antenna
row = df.loc[n]
if isinstance(row['Ant'], str) and '<a href' in row['Ant']:
antnum = int(row['Ant'].split('</a>')[0].split('>')[-1]) # it's a link, extract antnum
antnum = int(row['Ant'])
if antnum != int(antenna):
if np.issubdtype(type(row['Node']), np.integer):
row['Node'] = str(row['Node'])
if type(row['Node']) == str and row['Node'].isnumeric():
row['Node'] = 'N' + ('0' if len(row['Node']) == 1 else '') + row['Node']
if this_antenna is None:
this_antenna = Antenna(row['Ant'], row['Node'])
jd = [int(s) for s in re.split('_|\.', csv) if s.isdigit()][-1]
this_antenna.add_day(jd, row)
# build dataframe
to_show = {'JDs': [f'<a href="{jd_to_summary_url(jd)}" target="_blank">{jd}</a>' for jd in jds]}
to_show['A Priori Status'] = [this_antenna.statuses[jd] for jd in jds]
df = pd.DataFrame(to_show)
# create bar chart columns for flagging percentages:
bar_cols = {}
bar_cols['Auto Metrics Flags'] = [this_antenna.auto_flags[jd] for jd in jds]
bar_cols[f'Dead Fraction in Ant Metrics (Jee)'] = [this_antenna.dead_flags_Jee[jd] for jd in jds]
bar_cols[f'Dead Fraction in Ant Metrics (Jnn)'] = [this_antenna.dead_flags_Jnn[jd] for jd in jds]
bar_cols['Crossed Fraction in Ant Metrics'] = [this_antenna.crossed_flags[jd] for jd in jds]
bar_cols['Flag Fraction Before Redcal'] = [this_antenna.flags_before_redcal[jd] for jd in jds]
bar_cols['Flagged By Redcal chi^2 Fraction'] = [this_antenna.redcal_flags[jd] for jd in jds]
for col in bar_cols:
df[col] = bar_cols[col]
z_score_cols = {}
z_score_cols['ee Shape Modified Z-Score'] = [this_antenna.ee_shape_zs[jd] for jd in jds]
z_score_cols['nn Shape Modified Z-Score'] = [this_antenna.nn_shape_zs[jd] for jd in jds]
z_score_cols['ee Power Modified Z-Score'] = [this_antenna.ee_power_zs[jd] for jd in jds]
z_score_cols['nn Power Modified Z-Score'] = [this_antenna.nn_power_zs[jd] for jd in jds]
z_score_cols['ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score'] = [this_antenna.ee_temp_var_zs[jd] for jd in jds]
z_score_cols['nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score'] = [this_antenna.nn_temp_var_zs[jd] for jd in jds]
z_score_cols['ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score'] = [this_antenna.ee_temp_discon_zs[jd] for jd in jds]
z_score_cols['nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score'] = [this_antenna.nn_temp_discon_zs[jd] for jd in jds]
for col in z_score_cols:
df[col] = z_score_cols[col]
ant_metrics_cols = {}
ant_metrics_cols['Average Dead Ant Metric (Jee)'] = [this_antenna.Jee_dead_metrics[jd] for jd in jds]
ant_metrics_cols['Average Dead Ant Metric (Jnn)'] = [this_antenna.Jnn_dead_metrics[jd] for jd in jds]
ant_metrics_cols['Average Crossed Ant Metric'] = [this_antenna.crossed_metrics[jd] for jd in jds]
for col in ant_metrics_cols:
df[col] = ant_metrics_cols[col]
redcal_cols = {}
redcal_cols['Median chi^2 Per Antenna (Jee)'] = [this_antenna.Jee_chisqs[jd] for jd in jds]
redcal_cols['Median chi^2 Per Antenna (Jnn)'] = [this_antenna.Jnn_chisqs[jd] for jd in jds]
for col in redcal_cols:
df[col] = redcal_cols[col]
# style dataframe
table =\
.applymap(lambda val: f'background-color: {status_colors[val]}' if val in status_colors else '', subset=['A Priori Status']) \
.background_gradient(cmap='viridis', vmax=mean_round_modz_cut * 3, vmin=0, axis=None, subset=list(z_score_cols.keys())) \
.background_gradient(cmap='bwr_r', vmin=dead_cut-.25, vmax=dead_cut+.25, axis=0, subset=list([col for col in ant_metrics_cols if 'dead' in col.lower()])) \
.background_gradient(cmap='bwr_r', vmin=crossed_cut-.25, vmax=crossed_cut+.25, axis=0, subset=list([col for col in ant_metrics_cols if 'crossed' in col.lower()])) \
.background_gradient(cmap='plasma', vmax=4, vmin=1, axis=None, subset=list(redcal_cols.keys())) \
.applymap(lambda val: 'font-weight: bold' if val < dead_cut else '', subset=list([col for col in ant_metrics_cols if 'dead' in col.lower()])) \
.applymap(lambda val: 'font-weight: bold' if val < crossed_cut else '', subset=list([col for col in ant_metrics_cols if 'crossed' in col.lower()])) \
.applymap(lambda val: 'font-weight: bold' if val > mean_round_modz_cut else '', subset=list(z_score_cols.keys())) \
.applymap(lambda val: 'color: red' if val > mean_round_modz_cut else '', subset=list(z_score_cols.keys())) \
.bar(subset=list(bar_cols.keys()), vmin=0, vmax=1) \
.format({col: '{:,.4f}'.format for col in z_score_cols}) \
.format({col: '{:,.4f}'.format for col in ant_metrics_cols}) \
.format('{:,.2%}', na_rep='-', subset=list(bar_cols.keys())) \
.set_table_styles([dict(selector="th",props=[('max-width', f'70pt')])])
This table reproduces each night's row for this antenna from the RTP Summary notebooks. For more info on the columns, see those notebooks, linked in the JD column.
display(HTML(f'<h2>Antenna {antenna}, Node {this_antenna.node}:</h2>'))
HTML(table.render(render_links=True, escape=False))
JDs | A Priori Status | Auto Metrics Flags | Dead Fraction in Ant Metrics (Jee) | Dead Fraction in Ant Metrics (Jnn) | Crossed Fraction in Ant Metrics | Flag Fraction Before Redcal | Flagged By Redcal chi^2 Fraction | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | Average Dead Ant Metric (Jee) | Average Dead Ant Metric (Jnn) | Average Crossed Ant Metric | Median chi^2 Per Antenna (Jee) | Median chi^2 Per Antenna (Jnn) |
2459975 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.161258 | 0.395644 | -1.590589 | -0.015218 | -0.124833 | -0.214540 | 10.556225 | 2.198949 | 0.5701 | 0.6087 | 0.3758 | nan | nan |
2459974 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.790178 | 0.607253 | -1.606582 | 0.002511 | 0.279878 | -0.414265 | 17.584748 | 4.381381 | 0.5799 | 0.6141 | 0.3763 | nan | nan |
2459973 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.486820 | 0.484847 | -1.517488 | -0.144974 | 0.038481 | -0.618432 | 10.845764 | 0.749955 | 0.5870 | 0.6196 | 0.3766 | nan | nan |
2459972 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.872915 | 0.392372 | -1.515114 | 0.393446 | 0.949574 | 0.057267 | 8.381194 | 0.341620 | 0.5701 | 0.6095 | 0.3775 | nan | nan |
2459971 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.638870 | 0.386547 | -1.468870 | 0.235960 | 0.410648 | -0.434216 | 13.232449 | -0.085047 | 0.5726 | 0.6117 | 0.3749 | nan | nan |
2459970 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.227847 | 0.816896 | -1.306433 | 0.330045 | -0.528758 | -0.219032 | 11.902307 | 0.337412 | 0.5795 | 0.6153 | 0.3793 | nan | nan |
2459969 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.891247 | 0.744354 | -1.142338 | 0.206092 | -0.505579 | -0.540745 | 12.185433 | -0.252426 | 0.5935 | 0.6254 | 0.3820 | nan | nan |
2459968 | RF_ok | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 3.735910 | 1.770959 | -1.176405 | 0.449013 | 0.865773 | -0.068149 | -0.099591 | -0.111446 | 0.7331 | 0.7455 | 0.2423 | nan | nan |
2459967 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.150149 | 0.650244 | -1.424558 | 0.599370 | -0.317557 | -0.000059 | 10.099836 | 0.520906 | 0.5872 | 0.6217 | 0.3705 | nan | nan |
2459966 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.379742 | 0.858886 | -1.373219 | 0.458070 | 0.313142 | -0.245422 | 11.939275 | -1.263366 | 0.5831 | 0.6210 | 0.3769 | nan | nan |
2459965 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.910875 | 0.744915 | -1.339870 | 0.282175 | 0.403877 | -0.520817 | 10.474392 | -0.789022 | 0.5921 | 0.6270 | 0.3639 | nan | nan |
2459964 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.894239 | 0.862534 | -1.584410 | 0.278527 | 0.357120 | -0.489571 | 4.751043 | -0.505809 | 0.6569 | 0.6771 | 0.3087 | nan | nan |
2459963 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.492468 | 0.775754 | -0.660281 | 0.162270 | 7.060333 | -0.613691 | -0.008377 | -0.153583 | 0.6820 | 0.6882 | 0.2495 | nan | nan |
2459962 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.954442 | 0.935840 | -1.769318 | 0.196412 | 8.074020 | -0.636983 | 0.301878 | -0.561323 | 0.6344 | 0.6669 | 0.3337 | nan | nan |
2459961 | RF_ok | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 3.111332 | 1.542668 | -1.392567 | 0.293730 | 0.149848 | -0.444178 | -0.182830 | -0.306557 | 0.7448 | 0.7456 | 0.2185 | nan | nan |
2459960 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.198139 | 0.391819 | -1.487454 | 0.353966 | 0.455478 | -0.838731 | 4.097886 | -0.634824 | 0.6046 | 0.6326 | 0.3236 | nan | nan |
2459959 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.749752 | -0.049423 | -1.753936 | -0.034798 | -0.051616 | -0.455721 | 8.775654 | 0.515849 | 0.5912 | 0.6293 | 0.3631 | nan | nan |
2459958 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.115649 | 0.353920 | -1.527608 | 0.318501 | 0.451887 | -0.666025 | 7.941458 | -0.376623 | 0.5876 | 0.6239 | 0.3736 | nan | nan |
2459957 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.001648 | 0.641148 | -1.393379 | 0.438254 | 0.283688 | -0.145419 | 12.098958 | -0.370292 | 0.5870 | 0.6267 | 0.3802 | nan | nan |
2459956 | RF_ok | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.946836 | 1.431793 | -1.253374 | 0.526251 | -0.395762 | -0.366474 | 1.670098 | -0.490217 | 0.6406 | 0.6606 | 0.3144 | nan | nan |
2459955 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.826477 | 0.381839 | -1.346925 | 0.418401 | 0.381215 | -0.502414 | 11.315512 | -0.346044 | 0.5822 | 0.6268 | 0.3854 | nan | nan |
2459954 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.825335 | 0.562524 | -0.949927 | 0.573715 | 0.255491 | -0.372509 | 17.067620 | 1.203617 | 0.5860 | 0.6277 | 0.3917 | nan | nan |
2459953 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.846394 | 0.554999 | -1.270280 | 0.477475 | 0.156319 | -0.510656 | 8.854383 | -0.199101 | 0.5917 | 0.6342 | 0.3866 | nan | nan |
2459952 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.936734 | 0.737958 | -0.949233 | 0.503775 | 0.008708 | -0.369740 | 22.848869 | -0.898322 | 0.5987 | 0.6380 | 0.3925 | nan | nan |
2459951 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.418151 | 0.529065 | -1.247232 | 0.118404 | 0.370741 | -0.684012 | 22.647178 | 0.453687 | 0.6127 | 0.6465 | 0.3869 | nan | nan |
2459950 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.116323 | 0.951768 | -1.088524 | 0.277072 | 0.044045 | -0.592555 | 7.205748 | 0.514051 | 0.6127 | 0.6443 | 0.3925 | nan | nan |
2459949 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.949469 | 0.439889 | -1.535112 | -0.001689 | -0.054458 | -0.448030 | 11.920547 | -0.070814 | 0.5973 | 0.6291 | 0.3902 | nan | nan |
2459948 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.499006 | 0.502381 | -1.871568 | -0.126461 | 0.441937 | -0.533933 | 13.563380 | -0.015999 | 0.6234 | 0.6574 | 0.3686 | nan | nan |
2459947 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.149762 | 0.571688 | -1.658878 | -0.304621 | -0.252293 | -1.055539 | 5.781229 | 0.692412 | 0.6343 | 0.6482 | 0.3532 | nan | nan |
2459946 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 6.067425 | 0.109830 | -1.494811 | -0.249972 | 0.519305 | -1.094056 | 18.776505 | -0.964452 | 0.5802 | 0.6365 | 0.3913 | nan | nan |
2459945 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 5.738504 | 0.196397 | -1.556787 | -0.472796 | -0.292835 | -1.076083 | 14.700243 | 2.098619 | 0.5901 | 0.6402 | 0.3900 | nan | nan |
2459944 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 5.579889 | 0.131004 | -1.506082 | -0.337594 | 0.206668 | -1.214281 | 10.735530 | -0.690923 | 0.5924 | 0.6456 | 0.3907 | nan | nan |
2459943 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 4.600315 | 0.078193 | -1.278981 | -0.233293 | 0.255149 | -0.927035 | 5.625805 | -0.474737 | 0.5992 | 0.6518 | 0.3937 | nan | nan |
2459942 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 6.697393 | 0.350813 | -1.467605 | -0.197416 | 0.393849 | -1.040349 | 10.726405 | -0.659497 | 0.6034 | 0.6467 | 0.3772 | nan | nan |
2459941 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.033288 | 0.532662 | -1.422586 | -0.259808 | 0.848557 | -1.046802 | 13.124430 | -0.742441 | 0.5966 | 0.6351 | 0.4022 | nan | nan |
2459940 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.819338 | 0.024885 | -1.610332 | -0.577286 | 1.195424 | -1.210338 | 19.544350 | -0.679276 | 0.6006 | 0.6383 | 0.3995 | nan | nan |
2459939 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.575851 | 0.107273 | -1.395274 | -0.356613 | 0.749471 | -1.043850 | 14.939722 | -0.373887 | 0.6132 | 0.6458 | 0.3953 | nan | nan |
2459938 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.614422 | 0.463787 | -1.367492 | -0.222009 | 0.142113 | -0.992273 | 13.285282 | 0.512713 | 0.6146 | 0.6465 | 0.3888 | nan | nan |
2459937 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.204503 | 0.440753 | -1.706323 | -0.311454 | 0.334642 | -1.063295 | 9.802125 | -1.366846 | 0.6358 | 0.6684 | 0.3608 | nan | nan |
2459936 | RF_ok | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.612365 | 0.748461 | -2.020633 | 0.064395 | 0.657457 | -0.659706 | -0.538727 | -1.020904 | 0.7781 | 0.7872 | 0.1901 | nan | nan |
2459935 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 87.61% | 87.61% | 0.00% | - | - | 12.891285 | 13.121007 | -1.037782 | -0.226166 | 2.663823 | 1.304277 | 16.279106 | -0.687587 | 0.5248 | 0.5483 | 0.3377 | nan | nan |
2459934 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 19.429539 | 19.698653 | -0.689027 | 0.238989 | 0.400588 | -0.885147 | 14.094380 | -0.354815 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459933 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 15.738755 | 15.870265 | -0.734560 | 0.325389 | -0.133484 | -0.956501 | 12.596125 | -0.572136 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459932 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 18.159137 | 18.220519 | -0.572191 | 0.199592 | 2.720360 | 0.212495 | 27.837394 | -0.475392 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459931 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 16.915041 | 17.008271 | -0.859566 | 0.262500 | -0.447320 | -0.759264 | 16.873929 | 0.069868 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459930 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 15.146715 | 15.222097 | -0.605038 | 0.117198 | -0.368594 | -0.807673 | 11.238330 | -0.064544 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459929 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 4.465704 | 0.855223 | -1.139838 | -0.539007 | 3.703088 | 0.327906 | -0.641706 | -0.783475 | 0.7152 | 0.7212 | 0.1938 | nan | nan |
2459928 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.633227 | 4.391834 | 2.370640 | 3.366358 | 1.221075 | 3.426291 | 8.552883 | -2.427779 | 0.6219 | 0.6433 | 0.3870 | nan | nan |
2459927 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 3.949581 | 4.833880 | 1.993669 | 2.348812 | 2.080650 | -0.402842 | 5.276550 | -1.565487 | 0.5425 | 0.5585 | 0.3214 | nan | nan |
2459926 | RF_ok | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 1.699192 | 2.048434 | 0.635084 | 1.359518 | -0.490623 | -0.078883 | -0.324308 | -0.161000 | 0.7613 | 0.7784 | 0.2149 | nan | nan |
2459925 | RF_ok | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 3.645894 | 2.564721 | 1.726166 | 2.680393 | 0.200397 | 1.082852 | 0.480402 | 0.438763 | 0.7382 | 0.7351 | 0.2432 | nan | nan |
2459924 | RF_ok | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.693200 | 3.890528 | 1.836213 | 2.755216 | 1.063409 | 2.385517 | 2.225237 | -0.846517 | 0.6433 | 0.6600 | 0.3738 | nan | nan |
2459923 | RF_ok | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 2.338473 | 3.851581 | 2.039048 | 2.756891 | 0.741024 | 1.728760 | 1.365269 | 0.380038 | 0.6954 | 0.7021 | 0.3416 | nan | nan |
2459922 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459921 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459920 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 244.997317 | 245.075690 | inf | inf | 4742.169345 | 4742.125626 | 14287.262181 | 14290.329228 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459919 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459912 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459911 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459910 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459909 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459908 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459907 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459906 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 236.659819 | 236.401249 | inf | inf | 3790.057501 | 3735.645423 | 8642.657870 | 8419.885016 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459905 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459904 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459903 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459902 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459901 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459900 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459898 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459897 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459896 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459895 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 248.369959 | 247.643994 | inf | inf | 5599.594727 | 6026.774480 | 756.173646 | 845.715534 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459894 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459893 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459892 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459891 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459890 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459889 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459888 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459887 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459886 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459885 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459884 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459883 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459882 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459881 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459880 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459879 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 195.095372 | 194.240681 | inf | inf | 3885.117279 | 4023.095118 | 9918.062977 | 10743.817572 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2459878 | RF_ok | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | - | - | 308.872892 | 308.421573 | inf | inf | 7127.248067 | 7080.779754 | 22275.952601 | 21785.894258 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
notebooks.¶htmls_to_display = []
for am_html in auto_metric_htmls:
html_to_display = ''
# read html into a list of lines
with open(am_html) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# find section with this antenna's metric plots and add to html_to_display
jd = [int(s) for s in re.split('_|\.', am_html) if s.isdigit()][-1]
section_start_line = lines.index(f'<h2>Antenna {antenna}: {jd}</h2>\n')
except ValueError:
html_to_display += lines[section_start_line].replace(str(jd), f'<a href="{jd_to_auto_metrics_url(jd)}" target="_blank">{jd}</a>')
for line in lines[section_start_line + 1:]:
html_to_display += line
if '<hr' in line:
These figures are reproduced from auto_metrics
notebooks. For more info on the specific plots and metrics, see those notebooks (linked at the JD). The most recent 100 days (at most) are shown.
for i, html_to_display in enumerate(htmls_to_display):
if i == 100:
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 10.556225 | 2.161258 | 0.395644 | -1.590589 | -0.015218 | -0.124833 | -0.214540 | 10.556225 | 2.198949 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 17.584748 | 1.790178 | 0.607253 | -1.606582 | 0.002511 | 0.279878 | -0.414265 | 17.584748 | 4.381381 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 10.845764 | 1.486820 | 0.484847 | -1.517488 | -0.144974 | 0.038481 | -0.618432 | 10.845764 | 0.749955 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 8.381194 | 1.872915 | 0.392372 | -1.515114 | 0.393446 | 0.949574 | 0.057267 | 8.381194 | 0.341620 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 13.232449 | 1.638870 | 0.386547 | -1.468870 | 0.235960 | 0.410648 | -0.434216 | 13.232449 | -0.085047 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 11.902307 | 0.816896 | 2.227847 | 0.330045 | -1.306433 | -0.219032 | -0.528758 | 0.337412 | 11.902307 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 12.185433 | 1.891247 | 0.744354 | -1.142338 | 0.206092 | -0.505579 | -0.540745 | 12.185433 | -0.252426 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | 3.735910 | 3.735910 | 1.770959 | -1.176405 | 0.449013 | 0.865773 | -0.068149 | -0.099591 | -0.111446 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 10.099836 | 2.150149 | 0.650244 | -1.424558 | 0.599370 | -0.317557 | -0.000059 | 10.099836 | 0.520906 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 11.939275 | 0.858886 | 2.379742 | 0.458070 | -1.373219 | -0.245422 | 0.313142 | -1.263366 | 11.939275 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 10.474392 | 0.744915 | 1.910875 | 0.282175 | -1.339870 | -0.520817 | 0.403877 | -0.789022 | 10.474392 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Variability | 8.074020 | 0.935840 | 2.954442 | 0.196412 | -1.769318 | -0.636983 | 8.074020 | -0.561323 | 0.301878 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | 3.111332 | 1.542668 | 3.111332 | 0.293730 | -1.392567 | -0.444178 | 0.149848 | -0.306557 | -0.182830 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 4.097886 | 0.391819 | 2.198139 | 0.353966 | -1.487454 | -0.838731 | 0.455478 | -0.634824 | 4.097886 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 8.775654 | 1.749752 | -0.049423 | -1.753936 | -0.034798 | -0.051616 | -0.455721 | 8.775654 | 0.515849 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 7.941458 | 0.353920 | 2.115649 | 0.318501 | -1.527608 | -0.666025 | 0.451887 | -0.376623 | 7.941458 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 12.098958 | 0.641148 | 2.001648 | 0.438254 | -1.393379 | -0.145419 | 0.283688 | -0.370292 | 12.098958 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | 2.946836 | 1.431793 | 2.946836 | 0.526251 | -1.253374 | -0.366474 | -0.395762 | -0.490217 | 1.670098 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 11.315512 | 1.826477 | 0.381839 | -1.346925 | 0.418401 | 0.381215 | -0.502414 | 11.315512 | -0.346044 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 17.067620 | 0.562524 | 1.825335 | 0.573715 | -0.949927 | -0.372509 | 0.255491 | 1.203617 | 17.067620 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 8.854383 | 0.554999 | 1.846394 | 0.477475 | -1.270280 | -0.510656 | 0.156319 | -0.199101 | 8.854383 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 22.848869 | 0.737958 | 1.936734 | 0.503775 | -0.949233 | -0.369740 | 0.008708 | -0.898322 | 22.848869 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 22.647178 | 0.529065 | 1.418151 | 0.118404 | -1.247232 | -0.684012 | 0.370741 | 0.453687 | 22.647178 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 7.205748 | 0.951768 | 2.116323 | 0.277072 | -1.088524 | -0.592555 | 0.044045 | 0.514051 | 7.205748 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 11.920547 | 1.949469 | 0.439889 | -1.535112 | -0.001689 | -0.054458 | -0.448030 | 11.920547 | -0.070814 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 13.563380 | 1.499006 | 0.502381 | -1.871568 | -0.126461 | 0.441937 | -0.533933 | 13.563380 | -0.015999 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 5.781229 | 0.571688 | 2.149762 | -0.304621 | -1.658878 | -1.055539 | -0.252293 | 0.692412 | 5.781229 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 18.776505 | 0.109830 | 6.067425 | -0.249972 | -1.494811 | -1.094056 | 0.519305 | -0.964452 | 18.776505 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 14.700243 | 0.196397 | 5.738504 | -0.472796 | -1.556787 | -1.076083 | -0.292835 | 2.098619 | 14.700243 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 10.735530 | 5.579889 | 0.131004 | -1.506082 | -0.337594 | 0.206668 | -1.214281 | 10.735530 | -0.690923 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 5.625805 | 0.078193 | 4.600315 | -0.233293 | -1.278981 | -0.927035 | 0.255149 | -0.474737 | 5.625805 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 10.726405 | 0.350813 | 6.697393 | -0.197416 | -1.467605 | -1.040349 | 0.393849 | -0.659497 | 10.726405 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 13.124430 | 0.532662 | 2.033288 | -0.259808 | -1.422586 | -1.046802 | 0.848557 | -0.742441 | 13.124430 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 19.544350 | 0.024885 | 1.819338 | -0.577286 | -1.610332 | -1.210338 | 1.195424 | -0.679276 | 19.544350 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 14.939722 | 0.107273 | 1.575851 | -0.356613 | -1.395274 | -1.043850 | 0.749471 | -0.373887 | 14.939722 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 13.285282 | 0.463787 | 1.614422 | -0.222009 | -1.367492 | -0.992273 | 0.142113 | 0.512713 | 13.285282 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 9.802125 | 2.204503 | 0.440753 | -1.706323 | -0.311454 | 0.334642 | -1.063295 | 9.802125 | -1.366846 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | 2.612365 | 2.612365 | 0.748461 | -2.020633 | 0.064395 | 0.657457 | -0.659706 | -0.538727 | -1.020904 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 16.279106 | 13.121007 | 12.891285 | -0.226166 | -1.037782 | 1.304277 | 2.663823 | -0.687587 | 16.279106 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | 19.698653 | 19.429539 | 19.698653 | -0.689027 | 0.238989 | 0.400588 | -0.885147 | 14.094380 | -0.354815 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | 15.870265 | 15.870265 | 15.738755 | 0.325389 | -0.734560 | -0.956501 | -0.133484 | -0.572136 | 12.596125 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 27.837394 | 18.220519 | 18.159137 | 0.199592 | -0.572191 | 0.212495 | 2.720360 | -0.475392 | 27.837394 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | 17.008271 | 16.915041 | 17.008271 | -0.859566 | 0.262500 | -0.447320 | -0.759264 | 16.873929 | 0.069868 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | 15.222097 | 15.146715 | 15.222097 | -0.605038 | 0.117198 | -0.368594 | -0.807673 | 11.238330 | -0.064544 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | 4.465704 | 0.855223 | 4.465704 | -0.539007 | -1.139838 | 0.327906 | 3.703088 | -0.783475 | -0.641706 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 8.552883 | 4.391834 | 2.633227 | 3.366358 | 2.370640 | 3.426291 | 1.221075 | -2.427779 | 8.552883 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Temporal Discontinuties | 5.276550 | 4.833880 | 3.949581 | 2.348812 | 1.993669 | -0.402842 | 2.080650 | -1.565487 | 5.276550 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | 2.048434 | 2.048434 | 1.699192 | 1.359518 | 0.635084 | -0.078883 | -0.490623 | -0.161000 | -0.324308 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | 3.645894 | 3.645894 | 2.564721 | 1.726166 | 2.680393 | 0.200397 | 1.082852 | 0.480402 | 0.438763 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | 3.890528 | 2.693200 | 3.890528 | 1.836213 | 2.755216 | 1.063409 | 2.385517 | 2.225237 | -0.846517 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | 3.851581 | 3.851581 | 2.338473 | 2.756891 | 2.039048 | 1.728760 | 0.741024 | 0.380038 | 1.365269 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Power | inf | 245.075690 | 244.997317 | inf | inf | 4742.125626 | 4742.169345 | 14290.329228 | 14287.262181 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Power | inf | 236.401249 | 236.659819 | inf | inf | 3735.645423 | 3790.057501 | 8419.885016 | 8642.657870 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Power | inf | 248.369959 | 247.643994 | inf | inf | 5599.594727 | 6026.774480 | 756.173646 | 845.715534 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | ee Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Shape | nan | nan | nan | inf | inf | nan | nan | nan | nan |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Power | inf | 194.240681 | 195.095372 | inf | inf | 4023.095118 | 3885.117279 | 10743.817572 | 9918.062977 |
Ant | Node | A Priori Status | Worst Metric | Worst Modified Z-Score | nn Shape Modified Z-Score | ee Shape Modified Z-Score | nn Power Modified Z-Score | ee Power Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Variability Modified Z-Score | nn Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score | ee Temporal Discontinuties Modified Z-Score |
227 | N20 | RF_ok | nn Power | inf | 308.421573 | 308.872892 | inf | inf | 7080.779754 | 7127.248067 | 21785.894258 | 22275.952601 |