import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import glob
import os
from astropy import units
from copy import deepcopy
from pyuvdata import UVFlag
from SSINS import INS
from SSINS import version as SSINS_ver
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from matplotlib import cm
from IPython.display import display, HTML
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))
# Use environment variables to figure out path to data
JD = os.environ['JULIANDATE']
data_path = os.environ['DATA_PATH']
print(f'JD = {JD}')
print(f'data_path = "{data_path}"')
JD = int(JD)
JD = 2459965 data_path = "/mnt/sn1/2459965"
from astropy.time import Time
utc = Time(JD, format='jd').datetime
print(f'Date: {utc.month}-{}-{utc.year}')
Date: 1-20-2023
uvf = UVFlag(f'{data_path}/zen.{JD}.total_stage_1_threshold_flags.h5')
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [4], line 1 ----> 1 uvf = UVFlag(f'{data_path}/zen.{JD}.total_stage_1_threshold_flags.h5') File ~/mambaforge/envs/RTP/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyuvdata/uvflag/, in UVFlag.__init__(self, indata, mode, copy_flags, waterfall, history, label, use_future_array_shapes, run_check, check_extra, run_check_acceptability) 552 del fobj 554 elif issubclass(indata.__class__, (str, pathlib.Path)): 555 # Given a path, read indata --> 556 557 indata, 558 history, 559 use_future_array_shapes=use_future_array_shapes, 560 run_check=run_check, 561 check_extra=check_extra, 562 run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability, 563 ) 564 elif issubclass(indata.__class__, UVData): 565 self.from_uvdata( 566 indata, 567 mode=mode, (...) 575 run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability, 576 ) File ~/mambaforge/envs/RTP/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyuvdata/uvflag/, in, filename, history, use_future_array_shapes, run_check, check_extra, run_check_acceptability) 2781 else: 2782 if not os.path.exists(filename): -> 2783 raise IOError(filename + " not found.") 2785 # update filename attribute 2786 basename = os.path.basename(filename) OSError: /mnt/sn1/2459965/zen.2459965.total_stage_1_threshold_flags.h5 not found.
plt.imshow(uvf.flag_array[:,:,0], aspect='auto', interpolation='none',
extent=[uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6,
uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, uvf.time_array[0] - JD])
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.ylabel(f'JD - {JD}')
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.set_ylim([uvf.lst_array[0] * 12 / np.pi, uvf.lst_array[-1] * 12 / np.pi])
ax2.set_ylabel('LST (hours)')
ax3 = plt.gca().twiny()
ax3.set_xlim([0, uvf.Nfreqs - 1])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [5], line 2 1 plt.figure(figsize=(16,12)) ----> 2 plt.imshow(uvf.flag_array[:,:,0], aspect='auto', interpolation='none', 3 extent=[uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6, 4 uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, uvf.time_array[0] - JD]) 5 plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)') 6 plt.ylabel(f'JD - {JD}') NameError: name 'uvf' is not defined
<Figure size 1600x1200 with 0 Axes>
Yellow is flagged. Blue is unflagged.
ssins_dirs_sorted = sorted(glob.glob(f"{data_path}/zen.{JD}*.SSINS"))
init_ssins_path = glob.glob(f"{ssins_dirs_sorted[0]}/*flags.h5")
ssins_uvf = UVFlag(init_ssins_path)
for path in ssins_dirs_sorted[1:]:
new_path = glob.glob(f"{path}/*flags.h5")[0]
ssins_uvf += UVFlag(new_path)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [6], line 3 1 ssins_dirs_sorted = sorted(glob.glob(f"{data_path}/zen.{JD}*.SSINS")) 2 init_ssins_path = glob.glob(f"{ssins_dirs_sorted[0]}/*flags.h5") ----> 3 ssins_uvf = UVFlag(init_ssins_path) 4 for path in ssins_dirs_sorted[1:]: 5 new_path = glob.glob(f"{path}/*flags.h5")[0] File ~/mambaforge/envs/RTP/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyuvdata/uvflag/, in UVFlag.__init__(self, indata, mode, copy_flags, waterfall, history, label, use_future_array_shapes, run_check, check_extra, run_check_acceptability) 518 self.label = "" # Added to at the end 519 if isinstance(indata, (list, tuple)): 520 self.__init__( --> 521 indata[0], 522 mode=mode, 523 copy_flags=copy_flags, 524 waterfall=waterfall, 525 history=history, 526 label=label, 527 use_future_array_shapes=use_future_array_shapes, 528 run_check=run_check, 529 check_extra=check_extra, 530 run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability, 531 ) 532 if len(indata) > 1: 533 for i in indata[1:]: IndexError: list index out of range
plt.imshow(ssins_uvf.flag_array[:,:,0], aspect='auto', interpolation='none',
extent=[ssins_uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, ssins_uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6,
ssins_uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, ssins_uvf.time_array[0] - JD])
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.ylabel(f'JD - {JD}')
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.set_ylim([ssins_uvf.lst_array[0] * 12 / np.pi, ssins_uvf.lst_array[-1] * 12 / np.pi])
ax2.set_ylabel('LST (hours)')
ax3 = plt.gca().twiny()
ax3.set_xlim([0, ssins_uvf.Nfreqs - 1])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [7], line 2 1 plt.figure(figsize=(16,12)) ----> 2 plt.imshow(ssins_uvf.flag_array[:,:,0], aspect='auto', interpolation='none', 3 extent=[ssins_uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, ssins_uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6, 4 ssins_uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, ssins_uvf.time_array[0] - JD]) 5 plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)') 6 plt.ylabel(f'JD - {JD}') NameError: name 'ssins_uvf' is not defined
<Figure size 1600x1200 with 0 Axes>
FM is manually flagged at the beginning.
flag_table = np.zeros_like(uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0]).astype(float)
flag_table[np.logical_and(ssins_uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0], uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0])] = 0.75
flag_table[np.logical_and(ssins_uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0], np.logical_not(uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0]))] = 0.5
flag_table[np.logical_and(np.logical_not(ssins_uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0]), uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0])] = 0.25
# Prepare a colormap.
cmap =
["slategray", "darkturquoise", "plum", "lemonchiffon"]
cax = plt.imshow(flag_table, aspect='auto', interpolation='none',
extent=[uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6,
uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, uvf.time_array[0] - JD],
vmin=0, vmax=1)
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.ylabel(f'JD - {JD}')
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.set_ylim([ssins_uvf.lst_array[0] * 12 / np.pi, ssins_uvf.lst_array[-1] * 12 / np.pi])
ax2.set_ylabel('LST (hours)')
ax3 = plt.gca().twiny()
ax3.set_xlim([0, ssins_uvf.Nfreqs - 1])
cbar_ticklabels = ["Flagged in Neither", "Flagged in XRFI", "Flagged in SSINS", "Flagged in Both"]
# Configure the colorbar so that labels are at the center of each section.
cbar = plt.colorbar(cax)
cbar_ticks = np.arange(0.125, 1.125, 0.25)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [8], line 2 1 plt.figure(figsize=(16,12)) ----> 2 flag_table = np.zeros_like(uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0]).astype(float) 3 flag_table[np.logical_and(ssins_uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0], uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0])] = 0.75 4 flag_table[np.logical_and(ssins_uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0], np.logical_not(uvf.flag_array[:, :, 0]))] = 0.5 NameError: name 'uvf' is not defined
<Figure size 1600x1200 with 0 Axes>
xrfi_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(f'{data_path}/zen.{JD}.?????.stage_1_xrfi'))
print(f'Found {len(xrfi_dirs)} directories containing XRFI intermediate data products.')
files1 = [glob.glob(f'{d}/*combined_metrics1.h5')[0] for d in xrfi_dirs]
print(f'Found {len(files1)} combined round 1 XRFI metrics files.')
files2 = [glob.glob(f'{d}/*combined_metrics2.h5')[0] for d in xrfi_dirs]
print(f'Found {len(files2)} combined round 2 XRFI metrics files.')
uvf1 = UVFlag(files1)
uvf2 = UVFlag(files2)
uvf2.metric_array = np.where(np.isinf(uvf2.metric_array), uvf1.metric_array,
Found 1850 directories containing XRFI intermediate data products. Found 1850 combined round 1 XRFI metrics files. Found 1850 combined round 2 XRFI metrics files.
max_abs = 100
if np.max(uvf2.metric_array) > max_abs:
extend = 'max'
if np.min(uvf2.metric_array) < -max_abs:
extend = 'both'
elif np.min(uvf2.metric_array) < -max_abs:
extend = 'min'
extend = 'neither'
plt.imshow(uvf2.metric_array[:,:,0], aspect='auto', cmap='RdBu_r', interpolation='none',
norm=colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=1,vmin=-max_abs, vmax=max_abs),
extent=[uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6,
uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, uvf.time_array[0] - JD])
plt.colorbar(pad=.07, extend=extend,
label='RFI Detection Significance ($\sigma$s)')
plt.title('Combined XRFI Metrics')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.ylabel(f'JD - {JD}')
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.set_ylim([uvf.lst_array[0] * 12 / np.pi, uvf.lst_array[-1] * 12 / np.pi])
ax2.set_ylabel('LST (hours)')
ax3 = plt.gca().twiny()
ax3.set_xlim([0, uvf.Nfreqs - 1])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [10], line 14 9 else: 10 extend = 'neither' 12 plt.imshow(uvf2.metric_array[:,:,0], aspect='auto', cmap='RdBu_r', interpolation='none', 13 norm=colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=1,vmin=-max_abs, vmax=max_abs), ---> 14 extent=[uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6, 15 uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, uvf.time_array[0] - JD]) 16 plt.colorbar(pad=.07, extend=extend, 17 label='RFI Detection Significance ($\sigma$s)') 18 plt.title('Combined XRFI Metrics') NameError: name 'uvf' is not defined
<Figure size 1600x1200 with 0 Axes>
This figure shows round 2 XRFI metrics (mean filter outliers) combined in quadrature. When flagged in round 1 of XRFI, round 1's combined median filter metrics are used instead.
def make_sig_arr(ins, sig_arr, event_arr):
for event in ins.match_events:
nomask = np.logical_not(ins.metric_ms.mask[event[:2]])
if event.sig is not None:
event_arr[event[:2]] = event.sig
event_arr[event[:2]][nomask] = ins.metric_ms[event[:2]][nomask]
sig_arr[event[:2]][nomask] = ins.metric_ms[event[:2]][nomask]
ins.metric_array[event[:2]] =
ins.metric_ms[:, event[1]] = ins.mean_subtract(freq_slice=event.freq_slice)
nomask = np.logical_not(ins.metric_ms.mask)
sig_arr[nomask] = ins.metric_ms[nomask]
event_arr[nomask] = ins.metric_ms[nomask]
return(sig_arr, event_arr)
init_ssins_path_data = glob.glob(f"{ssins_dirs_sorted[0]}/*data.h5")[0]
init_ssins_path_match_events = glob.glob(f"{ssins_dirs_sorted[0]}/*match_events.yml")[0]
init_ssins = INS(init_ssins_path_data, match_events_file=init_ssins_path_match_events)
init_sig_arr =
init_event_arr =
sig_arr, event_arr = make_sig_arr(init_ssins, init_sig_arr, init_event_arr)
for ssins_dir in ssins_dirs_sorted[1:]:
ssins_path_data = glob.glob(f"{ssins_dir}/*data.h5")[0]
ssins_path_match_events = glob.glob(f"{ssins_dir}/*match_events.yml")[0]
ssins = INS(ssins_path_data, match_events_file=ssins_path_match_events)
init_ssins += ssins
new_sig_arr =
new_event_arr =
new_sig_arr, new_event_arr = make_sig_arr(ssins, new_sig_arr, new_event_arr)
sig_arr = np.concatenate([sig_arr, new_sig_arr], axis=0)
event_arr = np.concatenate([event_arr, new_event_arr], axis=0)
cmap = cm.plasma
plt.imshow(init_ssins.metric_array[:,:,0], aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, interpolation='none',
extent=[ssins_uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, ssins_uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6,
ssins_uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, ssins_uvf.time_array[0] - JD])
plt.colorbar(pad=.07, extend='neither',
label='SSINS (Corr. Units)')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.ylabel(f'JD - {JD}')
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.set_ylim([ssins_uvf.lst_array[0] * 12 / np.pi, ssins_uvf.lst_array[-1] * 12 / np.pi])
ax2.set_ylabel('LST (hours)')
ax3 = plt.gca().twiny()
ax3.set_xlim([0, ssins_uvf.Nfreqs - 1])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [13], line 8 3 cmap = cm.plasma 4 cmap.set_bad('white') 6 plt.imshow(init_ssins.metric_array[:,:,0], aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, interpolation='none', 7 vmax=4e4, ----> 8 extent=[ssins_uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, ssins_uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6, 9 ssins_uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, ssins_uvf.time_array[0] - JD]) 10 plt.colorbar(pad=.07, extend='neither', 11 label='SSINS (Corr. Units)') 12 plt.title('SSINS') NameError: name 'ssins_uvf' is not defined
<Figure size 1600x1200 with 0 Axes>
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,12), nrows=2)
max_abs = 100
if np.max(sig_arr) > max_abs:
extend = 'max'
if np.min(sig_arr) < -max_abs:
extend = 'both'
elif np.min(sig_arr) < -max_abs:
extend = 'min'
extend = 'neither'
cmap = cm.RdBu_r
cax = [None, None]
cax[0] = ax[0].imshow(sig_arr[:,:,0], aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, interpolation='none',
norm=colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=1,vmin=-max_abs, vmax=max_abs),
extent=[ssins_uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, ssins_uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6,
ssins_uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, ssins_uvf.time_array[0] - JD])
cax[1] = ax[1].imshow(event_arr[:,:,0], aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, interpolation='none',
norm=colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=1,vmin=-max_abs, vmax=max_abs),
extent=[ssins_uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, ssins_uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6,
ssins_uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, ssins_uvf.time_array[0] - JD])
fig.colorbar(cax[0], pad=.07, extend=extend, ax=ax[0],
label='SSINS Detection Significance (Sample) [$\sigma$s]')
fig.colorbar(cax[1], pad=.07, extend=extend, ax=ax[1],
label='SSINS Detection Significance (Event) [$\sigma$s]')
fig.suptitle('SSINS Detection Significance')
ax[0].set_xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
ax[0].set_ylabel(f'JD - {JD}')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
ax[1].set_ylabel(f'JD - {JD}')
ax2 = ax[0].twinx()
ax2.set_ylim([ssins_uvf.lst_array[0] * 12 / np.pi, ssins_uvf.lst_array[-1] * 12 / np.pi])
ax2.set_ylabel('LST (hours)')
ax3 = ax[0].twiny()
ax3.set_xlim([0, ssins_uvf.Nfreqs - 1])
ax4 = ax[1].twinx()
ax4.set_ylim([ssins_uvf.lst_array[0] * 12 / np.pi, ssins_uvf.lst_array[-1] * 12 / np.pi])
ax4.set_ylabel('LST (hours)')
ax5 = ax[1].twiny()
ax5.set_xlim([0, ssins_uvf.Nfreqs - 1])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [14], line 19 13 cmap.set_bad('black') 15 cax = [None, None] 17 cax[0] = ax[0].imshow(sig_arr[:,:,0], aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, interpolation='none', 18 norm=colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=1,vmin=-max_abs, vmax=max_abs), ---> 19 extent=[ssins_uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, ssins_uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6, 20 ssins_uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, ssins_uvf.time_array[0] - JD]) 22 cax[1] = ax[1].imshow(event_arr[:,:,0], aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, interpolation='none', 23 norm=colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=1,vmin=-max_abs, vmax=max_abs), 24 extent=[ssins_uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, ssins_uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6, 25 ssins_uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, ssins_uvf.time_array[0] - JD]) 26 fig.colorbar(cax[0], pad=.07, extend=extend, ax=ax[0], 27 label='SSINS Detection Significance (Sample) [$\sigma$s]') NameError: name 'ssins_uvf' is not defined
Shamelessly copied/pasted code from 2(a). Could write a function in the future. Slightly wrong time axis due to missing integration around chunk boundary in SSINS.
# Load in the flags from each round of XRFI flagging
round_1_flag_files = [
glob.glob(os.path.join(xrfi_dir, "*.flags1.h5"))[0]
for xrfi_dir in xrfi_dirs
round_2_flag_files = [f.replace("flags1", "flags2") for f in round_1_flag_files]
thresh_flag_file = f'{data_path}/zen.{JD}.total_stage_1_threshold_flags.h5'
round_1_uvf = UVFlag(round_1_flag_files)
round_2_uvf = UVFlag(round_2_flag_files)
round_3_uvf = UVFlag(thresh_flag_file)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [15], line 10 8 round_1_uvf = UVFlag(round_1_flag_files) 9 round_2_uvf = UVFlag(round_2_flag_files) ---> 10 round_3_uvf = UVFlag(thresh_flag_file) File ~/mambaforge/envs/RTP/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyuvdata/uvflag/, in UVFlag.__init__(self, indata, mode, copy_flags, waterfall, history, label, use_future_array_shapes, run_check, check_extra, run_check_acceptability) 552 del fobj 554 elif issubclass(indata.__class__, (str, pathlib.Path)): 555 # Given a path, read indata --> 556 557 indata, 558 history, 559 use_future_array_shapes=use_future_array_shapes, 560 run_check=run_check, 561 check_extra=check_extra, 562 run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability, 563 ) 564 elif issubclass(indata.__class__, UVData): 565 self.from_uvdata( 566 indata, 567 mode=mode, (...) 575 run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability, 576 ) File ~/mambaforge/envs/RTP/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyuvdata/uvflag/, in, filename, history, use_future_array_shapes, run_check, check_extra, run_check_acceptability) 2781 else: 2782 if not os.path.exists(filename): -> 2783 raise IOError(filename + " not found.") 2785 # update filename attribute 2786 basename = os.path.basename(filename) OSError: /mnt/sn1/2459965/zen.2459965.total_stage_1_threshold_flags.h5 not found.
# Load in the data.
round_1_flags = round_1_uvf.flag_array[...,0]
round_2_flags = round_2_uvf.flag_array[...,0]
round_3_flags = round_3_uvf.flag_array[...,0]
# For plotting convenience.
flags = dict(zip(range(1,4), (round_1_flags, round_2_flags, round_3_flags)))
unique_flags = {
1: round_1_flags,
2: round_2_flags & ~round_1_flags,
3: round_3_flags & ~round_1_flags & ~round_2_flags,
# Construct an array that can be color-coded by when flags were introduced.
combined_flags = np.zeros(round_1_flags.shape, dtype=np.float)
for round_, flags_ in unique_flags.items():
combined_flags[flags_] = round_ / len(unique_flags)
# Prepare different plot labels.
flag_labels = (
"Flagged in Median Filter Round",
"Flagged in Mean Filter Round",
"Flagged in Thresholding",
cbar_ticklabels = ("Unflagged",) + tuple(
"in\n".join(flag_label.split("in "))
for flag_label in flag_labels
# Prepare a colormap.
cmap =
["slategray", "darkturquoise", "plum", "lemonchiffon"]
# Useful plot metadata.
lsts = np.unique(round_3_uvf.lst_array)
times = np.unique(round_3_uvf.time_array)
freqs = np.unique(round_3_uvf.freq_array)
chans = np.arange(freqs.size)
lsts_hr = lsts *"hr") *"cycle")
freqs_MHz = freqs / 1e6
plot_times = times - float(JD)
extent = (freqs_MHz[0], freqs_MHz[-1], plot_times[-1], plot_times[0])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [16], line 4 2 round_1_flags = round_1_uvf.flag_array[...,0] 3 round_2_flags = round_2_uvf.flag_array[...,0] ----> 4 round_3_flags = round_3_uvf.flag_array[...,0] 6 # For plotting convenience. 7 flags = dict(zip(range(1,4), (round_1_flags, round_2_flags, round_3_flags))) NameError: name 'round_3_uvf' is not defined
# Make a waterfall showing different flagging products.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (MHz)", fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel(f"JD - {JD}", fontsize=12)
cax = ax.imshow(
# Add labels on the top and right axes.
twinx = ax.twinx()
twiny = ax.twiny()
twinx.set_ylabel("LST (hours)", fontsize=12)
twinx.set_ylim(lsts_hr.max(), lsts_hr.min())
twiny.set_xlabel("Channel", fontsize=12)
twiny.set_xlim(chans.min(), chans.max())
# Configure the colorbar so that labels are at the center of each section.
cbar = fig.colorbar(cax)
cbar_ticks = np.linspace(combined_flags.min(), combined_flags.max(), len(flags) + 2)
cbar_ticks = 0.5 * (cbar_ticks[1:] + cbar_ticks[:-1])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [17], line 6 4 ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (MHz)", fontsize=12) 5 ax.set_ylabel(f"JD - {JD}", fontsize=12) ----> 6 ax.set_xlim(*extent[:2]) 7 ax.set_ylim(*extent[2:]) 8 cax = ax.imshow( 9 combined_flags, 10 aspect="auto", (...) 13 cmap=cmap, 14 ) NameError: name 'extent' is not defined
max_abs = 100
if np.max(uvf2.metric_array) > max_abs:
extend = 'max'
if np.min(uvf2.metric_array) < -max_abs:
extend = 'both'
elif np.min(uvf2.metric_array) < -max_abs:
extend = 'min'
extend = 'neither'
plt.imshow(uvf2.metric_array[:,:,0], aspect='auto', cmap='RdBu_r',
norm=colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=1,vmin=-max_abs, vmax=max_abs),
extent=[uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6,
uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, uvf.time_array[0] - JD])
plt.colorbar(pad=.07, extend=extend,
label='RFI Detection Significance ($\sigma$s)')
plt.title('Combined XRFI Metrics')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.ylabel(f'JD - {JD}')
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.set_ylim([uvf.lst_array[0] * 12 / np.pi, uvf.lst_array[-1] * 12 / np.pi])
ax2.set_ylabel('LST (hours)')
ax3 = plt.gca().twiny()
ax3.set_xlim([0, uvf.Nfreqs - 1])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [18], line 14 9 else: 10 extend = 'neither' 12 plt.imshow(uvf2.metric_array[:,:,0], aspect='auto', cmap='RdBu_r', 13 norm=colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=1,vmin=-max_abs, vmax=max_abs), ---> 14 extent=[uvf.freq_array[0] / 1e6, uvf.freq_array[-1] / 1e6, 15 uvf.time_array[-1] - JD, uvf.time_array[0] - JD]) 16 plt.colorbar(pad=.07, extend=extend, 17 label='RFI Detection Significance ($\sigma$s)') 18 plt.title('Combined XRFI Metrics') NameError: name 'uvf' is not defined
<Figure size 1600x1200 with 0 Axes>
This figure shows how the flags are built at each step in the initial XRFI flagging pipeline. Note that the completely flagged sections at the beginning and end of the night are expected. Main thing to look out for is if there are channels which are highly flagged after the second round of flagging but have not been completely flagged after day thresholding.
# Collapse the flags along each axis and plot the result.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
axes = fig.subplots(2, gridspec_kw={"hspace": 0.35})
twin_axes = [ax.twiny() for ax in axes]
# Set the plot labels.
axes[0].set_xlabel(f"JD - {JD}", fontsize=12)
axes[0].set_ylabel("Fraction of Channels Flagged", fontsize=12)
axes[1].set_xlabel("Frequency (MHz)", fontsize=12)
"Fraction of Integrations Flagged\nin Total Day Thresholded Flags", fontsize=12
twin_axes[0].set_xlabel("LST (hour)", fontsize=12)
twin_axes[0].set_xlim(lsts_hr[0], lsts_hr[-1])
twin_axes[1].set_xlabel("Channel", fontsize=12)
twin_axes[1].set_xlim(chans.min(), chans.max())
# Plot the channel occupancy as a function of time.
for label, flag_array in zip(flag_labels, flags.values()):
axes[0].plot(plot_times, flag_array.astype(np.float).mean(axis=1), label=label)
axes[0].plot(plot_times, ssins_uvf.flag_array.astype(np.float).mean(axis=(1, -1)),
label="Flagged by SSINS")
# Plot the flagging fraction as a function of frequency.
freqs_MHz, round_3_flags.astype(np.float).mean(axis=0), color="k", ms=1, lw=0, marker="o",
label="XRFI frequency occupancy",
# Do the same with the SSINS flags
axes[1].plot(freqs_MHz, ssins_uvf.flag_array.astype(np.float).mean(axis=(0, -1)), ms=1, lw=0,
marker="o", label="SSINS frequency occupancy")
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [19], line 14 10 axes[1].set_ylabel( 11 "Fraction of Integrations Flagged\nin Total Day Thresholded Flags", fontsize=12 12 ) 13 twin_axes[0].set_xlabel("LST (hour)", fontsize=12) ---> 14 twin_axes[0].set_xlim(lsts_hr[0], lsts_hr[-1]) 15 twin_axes[1].set_xlabel("Channel", fontsize=12) 16 twin_axes[1].set_xlim(chans.min(), chans.max()) NameError: name 'lsts_hr' is not defined
The top plot shows the fraction of channels flagged at each integration for each set of flags. The bottom plot shows the fraction of integrations flagged as a function of frequency for the total thresholded flags.
from hera_qm import __version__
print(f"SSINS version info: {SSINS_ver.construct_version_info()}")
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [21], line 1 ----> 1 print(f"SSINS version info: {SSINS_ver.construct_version_info()}") AttributeError: module 'SSINS.version' has no attribute 'construct_version_info'