by Josh Dillon, last updated February 28, 2023
This notebook is designed to harmonize the potentially inconsistent per-antenna flagging coming out of file_calibration notebook. It seeks to flag likely bad times between known bad times and to impose maximum flagging factions and maximum stretches of consecutive flags between otherwise good data (which can raise problems when smoothing or filtering later).
Here's a set of links to skip to particular figures and tables:
import time
tstart = time.time()
import os
os.environ['HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING'] = 'FALSE'
import h5py
import hdf5plugin # REQUIRED to have the compression plugins available
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import glob
import copy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyuvdata import UVFlag, UVData, UVCal
from hera_cal import io, utils
from hera_qm import ant_class
from uvtools.plot import plot_antpos, plot_antclass
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import display, HTML
# get files
SUM_FILE = os.environ.get("SUM_FILE", None)
# SUM_FILE = '/users/jsdillon/lustre/H6C/abscal/2459853/zen.2459853.25518.sum.uvh5'
SUM_SUFFIX = os.environ.get("SUM_SUFFIX", 'sum.uvh5')
CAL_SUFFIX = os.environ.get("CAL_SUFFIX", 'sum.omni.calfits')
ANT_CLASS_SUFFIX = os.environ.get("ANT_CLASS_SUFFIX", 'ant_class.csv')
OUT_FLAG_SUFFIX = os.environ.get("OUT_FLAG_SUFFIX", 'sum.antenna_flags.h5')
# Parameters for harmonizing partially-flagged antennas
MAX_FLAG_GAP_NFILES = int(os.environ.get("MAX_FLAG_GAP_NFILES", 30))
# Max flag fractions (before just flagging the whole antenna)
POWER_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = float(os.environ.get("POWER_MAX_FLAG_FRAC", .5))
AUTO_POWER_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = float(os.environ.get("AUTO_POWER_MAX_FLAG_FRAC", .5))
AUTO_SHAPE_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = float(os.environ.get("AUTO_SHAPE_MAX_FLAG_FRAC", .25))
AUTO_SLOPE_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = float(os.environ.get("AUTO_SLOPE_MAX_FLAG_FRAC", .25))
AUTO_RFI_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = float(os.environ.get("AUTO_RFI_MAX_FLAG_FRAC", .25))
CHISQ_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = float(os.environ.get("AUTO_RFI_MAX_FLAG_FRAC", .5))
OVERALL_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = float(os.environ.get("OVERALL_MAX_FLAG_FRAC", .5))
print(f'{setting} = {eval(setting)}')
SUM_FILE = /mnt/sn1/2460104/zen.2460104.42144.sum.uvh5 SUM_SUFFIX = sum.uvh5 CAL_SUFFIX = sum.omni.calfits ANT_CLASS_SUFFIX = sum.ant_class.csv OUT_FLAG_SUFFIX = sum.antenna_flags.h5 SMOOTHING_SCALE_NFILES = 30.0 MAX_FLAG_GAP_NFILES = 30 POWER_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = 30.0 AUTO_POWER_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = 0.5 AUTO_SHAPE_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = 0.25 AUTO_SLOPE_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = 0.25 AUTO_RFI_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = 0.25 CHISQ_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = 0.25 OVERALL_MAX_FLAG_FRAC = 0.5
# ant_metrics bounds for low correlation / dead antennas
am_corr_bad = (0, float(os.environ.get("AM_CORR_BAD", 0.3)))
am_corr_suspect = (float(os.environ.get("AM_CORR_BAD", 0.3)), float(os.environ.get("AM_CORR_SUSPECT", 0.5)))
# ant_metrics bounds for cross-polarized antennas
am_xpol_bad = (-1, float(os.environ.get("AM_XPOL_BAD", -0.1)))
am_xpol_suspect = (float(os.environ.get("AM_XPOL_BAD", -0.1)), float(os.environ.get("AM_XPOL_SUSPECT", 0)))
# bounds on solar altitude (in degrees)
good_solar_altitude = (-90, float(os.environ.get("SUSPECT_SOLAR_ALTITUDE", 0)))
suspect_solar_altitude = (float(os.environ.get("SUSPECT_SOLAR_ALTITUDE", 0)), 90)
# bounds on zeros in spectra
good_zeros_per_eo_spectrum = (0, int(os.environ.get("MAX_ZEROS_PER_EO_SPEC_GOOD", 2)))
suspect_zeros_per_eo_spectrum = (0, int(os.environ.get("MAX_ZEROS_PER_EO_SPEC_SUSPECT", 8)))
# bounds on autocorrelation power
auto_power_good = (float(os.environ.get("AUTO_POWER_GOOD_LOW", 5)), float(os.environ.get("AUTO_POWER_GOOD_HIGH", 30)))
auto_power_suspect = (float(os.environ.get("AUTO_POWER_SUSPECT_LOW", 1)), float(os.environ.get("AUTO_POWER_SUSPECT_HIGH", 60)))
# bounds on autocorrelation slope
auto_slope_good = (float(os.environ.get("AUTO_SLOPE_GOOD_LOW", -0.4)), float(os.environ.get("AUTO_SLOPE_GOOD_HIGH", 0.4)))
auto_slope_suspect = (float(os.environ.get("AUTO_SLOPE_SUSPECT_LOW", -0.6)), float(os.environ.get("AUTO_SLOPE_SUSPECT_HIGH", 0.6)))
# bounds on autocorrelation RFI
auto_rfi_good = (0, float(os.environ.get("AUTO_RFI_GOOD", 0.015)))
auto_rfi_suspect = (0, float(os.environ.get("AUTO_RFI_SUSPECT", 0.03)))
# bounds on autocorrelation shape
auto_shape_good = (0, float(os.environ.get("AUTO_SHAPE_GOOD", 0.1)))
auto_shape_suspect = (0, float(os.environ.get("AUTO_SHAPE_SUSPECT", 0.2)))
# bounds on chi^2 per antenna in omnical
oc_cspa_good = (0, float(os.environ.get("OC_CSPA_GOOD", 2)))
oc_cspa_suspect = (0, float(os.environ.get("OC_CSPA_SUSPECT", 3)))
OC_SKIP_OUTRIGGERS = os.environ.get("OC_SKIP_OUTRIGGERS", "TRUE").upper() == "TRUE"
for bound in ['am_corr_bad', 'am_corr_suspect', 'am_xpol_bad', 'am_xpol_suspect',
'good_solar_altitude', 'suspect_solar_altitude',
'good_zeros_per_eo_spectrum', 'suspect_zeros_per_eo_spectrum',
'auto_power_good', 'auto_power_suspect', 'auto_slope_good', 'auto_slope_suspect',
'auto_rfi_good', 'auto_rfi_suspect', 'auto_shape_good', 'auto_shape_suspect',
'oc_cspa_good', 'oc_cspa_suspect', 'OC_SKIP_OUTRIGGERS']:
print(f'{bound} = {eval(bound)}')
am_corr_bad = (0, 0.2) am_corr_suspect = (0.2, 0.4) am_xpol_bad = (-1, -0.1) am_xpol_suspect = (-0.1, 0.0) good_solar_altitude = (-90, 0.0) suspect_solar_altitude = (0.0, 90) good_zeros_per_eo_spectrum = (0, 2) suspect_zeros_per_eo_spectrum = (0, 8) auto_power_good = (5.0, 30.0) auto_power_suspect = (1.0, 60.0) auto_slope_good = (-0.4, 0.4) auto_slope_suspect = (-0.6, 0.6) auto_rfi_good = (0, 0.015) auto_rfi_suspect = (0, 0.03) auto_shape_good = (0, 0.1) auto_shape_suspect = (0, 0.2) oc_cspa_good = (0, 2.0) oc_cspa_suspect = (0, 3.0) OC_SKIP_OUTRIGGERS = True
hd = io.HERAData(SUM_FILE)
sum_glob = '.'.join(SUM_FILE.split('.')[:-3]) + '.*.' + SUM_SUFFIX
cal_files_glob = sum_glob.replace(SUM_SUFFIX, CAL_SUFFIX)
cal_files = sorted(glob.glob(cal_files_glob))
print(f'Found {len(cal_files)} *.{CAL_SUFFIX} files starting with {cal_files[0]}.')
Found 360 *.sum.omni.calfits files starting with /mnt/sn1/2460104/zen.2460104.42144.sum.omni.calfits.
ant_class_csvs_glob = sum_glob.replace(SUM_SUFFIX, ANT_CLASS_SUFFIX)
ant_class_csvs = sorted(glob.glob(ant_class_csvs_glob))
jds = [float(f.split('/')[-1].split('zen.')[-1].split('.sum')[0]) for f in ant_class_csvs]
frac_jds = jds - np.floor(jds[0])
Ncsvs = len(ant_class_csvs)
print(f'Found {Ncsvs} *.{ANT_CLASS_SUFFIX} files starting with {ant_class_csvs[0]}.')
Found 360 *.sum.ant_class.csv files starting with /mnt/sn1/2460104/zen.2460104.42144.sum.ant_class.csv.
# Load ant_class csvs
tables = [pd.read_csv(f).dropna(axis=0, how='all') for f in ant_class_csvs]
table_cols = tables[0].columns[1::2]
class_cols = tables[0].columns[2::2]
ap_strs = np.array(tables[0]['Antenna'])
ants = sorted(set(int(a[:-1]) for a in ap_strs))
# build up dictionaries for full night metrics and classifications
replace = {'-': np.nan, 'INF': np.inf, 'No': False, 'Yes': True}
metric_data = {tc: {} for tc in table_cols}
class_data = {tc: {} for tc in table_cols}
for tc, cc in zip(table_cols, class_cols):
class_array = np.vstack([t[cc] for t in tables]).T
metric_array = np.vstack([t[tc] for t in tables]).T
for ca, ma, ap_str in zip(class_array, metric_array, ap_strs):
class_data[tc][ap_str] = ca
if tc == 'Antenna':
metric_data[tc][ap_str] = ma
metric_data[tc][ap_str] = np.array([replace[val] if val in replace else float(val) for val in ma])
original_flags = {ap_str: np.array(class_data['Antenna'][ap_str] == 'bad') for ap_str in ap_strs}
print(f'{np.mean(list(original_flags.values())):.2%} of antenna-files flagged by RTP.')
41.77% of antenna-files flagged by RTP.
def true_stretches(bool_arr):
'''Returns a list of slices corresponding to contiguous sequences where bool_arr is True.'''
# find the indices where bool_arr changes from True to False or vice versa
diff = np.diff(bool_arr.astype(int))
starts = np.where(diff == 1)[0] + 1
ends = np.where(diff == -1)[0]
# handle first and last values
if bool_arr[0]:
starts = np.insert(starts, 0, 0)
if bool_arr[-1]:
ends = np.append(ends, len(bool_arr) - 1)
stretches = [slice(starts[i], ends[i] + 1) for i in range(len(starts))]
return stretches
def impose_max_flag_gap(flags, max_flag_gap=30):
'''Adds flags to limit the largest possible number of flagged files between unflagged files.
flags_in: 1D boolean numpy array of starting flags (modified in place)
max_flag_gap: integer maximum allowed sequential flags (default 30)
bad_stretches = sorted(true_stretches(flags), key=lambda s: s.stop - s.start)[::-1]
for bs in bad_stretches:
if bs.stop - bs.start > max_flag_gap:
# figure out whether to flag everything before or after this gap
if np.sum(~flags[bs.stop:]) > np.sum(~flags[:bs.start]):
flags[:bs.start] = True
flags[bs.stop:] = True
return flags
def metric_convolution_flagging(metric, starting_flags, ok_range, sigma=30, max_flag_gap=30):
'''Grows flags by looking at whether the given metric returns to some OK range in the
gap between flags. Also imposes a max_flag_gap (see impose_max_flag_gap()).
metric: 1D numpy array of floats containing the per-file metric values used for flagging.
starting_flags: 1D numpy array of booleans of initial flags
ok_range: length-2 tuple of metric range outside of which flags are flags are considered bad
sigma: standard deviation of metric Gaussian smoothing scale (in units of files)
max_flag_gap: integer maximum allowed sequential flags (default 30)
new_flags: starting flags, but with possible additional flags
# compute convolved metric
kernel = np.exp(-np.arange(-len(metric) // 2, len(metric) // 2 + 1)**2 / 2 / sigma**2)
kernel /= np.sum(kernel)
convolved_metric = convolve(metric, kernel, mode='reflect')
new_flags = np.array(starting_flags)
nflags = np.sum(new_flags)
while True:
# figure out which bad stretches are "persistant" and which are just blips
bad_stretches = true_stretches(new_flags)
persistant_bad_stretches = [bs for bs in bad_stretches if
np.any((convolved_metric[bs] > ok_range[1]) | (convolved_metric[bs] < ok_range[0]))]
# figure out which stretches that aren't "persistant" bad eventually go back to OK... don't flag these
not_persistant_bad = np.ones_like(new_flags)
for bs in bad_stretches:
if np.any(convolved_metric[bs] > ok_range[1]):
not_persistant_bad[bs] = False
for stretch in true_stretches(not_persistant_bad):
if not np.any((convolved_metric[stretch] > ok_range[0]) & (convolved_metric[stretch] < ok_range[1])):
new_flags[stretch] = True
impose_max_flag_gap(new_flags, max_flag_gap=max_flag_gap)
# check if flags haven't grown and if so, break
if np.sum(new_flags) == nflags:
return new_flags
nflags = np.sum(new_flags)
class FlagHistory:
'''Helps keep strack of why flags get applied'''
def __init__(self, ap_strs, Nfiles):
self.final_flags = {ap_str: np.zeros(Nfiles, dtype=bool) for ap_str in ap_strs}
self.history = {}
def update(self, ap_str, rtp_flags, updated_flags, rationale):
self.history[(ap_str, rationale)] = (np.array(self.final_flags[ap_str]), np.array(rtp_flags), np.array(updated_flags))
self.final_flags[ap_str] |= updated_flags
def summarize(self, description):
print(f'{np.mean(list(self.final_flags.values())):.2%} of antenna-files flagged after {description}.')
fh = FlagHistory(ap_strs, Ncsvs)
for ap_str in ap_strs:
sun_up = metric_data['Solar Alt'][ap_str] > good_solar_altitude[1]
fh.update(ap_str, sun_up, sun_up, 'Solar Alt')
solar_flags = np.all([metric_data['Solar Alt'][ap_str] > good_solar_altitude[1] for ap_str in ap_strs], axis=0)
fh.summarize('flagging sun-up data')
for ap_str in ap_strs:
fh.update(ap_str, metric_data['Dead?'][ap_str], metric_data['Dead?'][ap_str], 'Dead?')
fh.summarize('removing dead antennas')
for ap_str in ap_strs:
if int(ap_str[:-1]) >= 320:
fh.update(ap_str, np.ones(Ncsvs, dtype=bool), np.ones(Ncsvs, dtype=bool), 'Outrigger')
fh.summarize('flagging outriggers')
for ap_str in ap_strs:
if np.mean(metric_data['Cross-Polarized'][ap_str]) < am_xpol_bad[1]:
fh.update(ap_str, class_data['Cross-Polarized'][ap_str] == 'bad', np.ones(Ncsvs, dtype=bool), 'Cross-Polarized')
fh.summarize('removing cross-polarized antennas')
for ap_str in ap_strs:
if np.mean(metric_data['Low Correlation'][ap_str]) < am_corr_bad[1]:
fh.update(ap_str, class_data['Low Correlation'][ap_str] == 'bad', np.ones(Ncsvs, dtype=bool), 'Cross-Polarized')
fh.summarize('removing non-correlating antennas')
for category, ok_range, max_flag_frac in zip(['Autocorr Power', 'Autocorr Shape', 'Autocorr Slope', 'RFI in Autos'],
[auto_power_suspect, auto_shape_good, auto_slope_good, auto_rfi_good],
for ap_str in ap_strs:
# apply RTP flags for these categories
rtp_flags = (class_data[category][ap_str] == 'bad')
# if not completely flagged or completely unflagged, grow flags via convolution
if np.any(rtp_flags) and not np.all(fh.final_flags[ap_str] | rtp_flags):
metric = metric_data[category][ap_str]
new_flags = metric_convolution_flagging(metric, rtp_flags, ok_range, sigma=SMOOTHING_SCALE_NFILES, max_flag_gap=MAX_FLAG_GAP_NFILES)
# if too many times are flagged for this category, flag the whole antenna (excluding sun-up times)
if np.mean(new_flags[~solar_flags]) > max_flag_frac:
new_flags[:] = True
new_flags = rtp_flags
fh.update(ap_str, rtp_flags, new_flags, category)
fh.summarize(f'flagging antennas for {category}')
for ap_str in ap_strs:
flagged_for_cspa = (~fh.final_flags[ap_str]) & (class_data['Even/Odd Zeros'][ap_str] != 'bad') & (class_data['Redcal chi^2'][ap_str] == 'bad')
if np.any(flagged_for_cspa) and not np.all(fh.final_flags[ap_str] | flagged_for_cspa):
cspa = metric_data['Redcal chi^2'][ap_str]
new_flags = metric_convolution_flagging(cspa, flagged_for_cspa, oc_cspa_suspect, sigma=SMOOTHING_SCALE_NFILES, max_flag_gap=MAX_FLAG_GAP_NFILES)
if np.mean(new_flags[~solar_flags]) > CHISQ_MAX_FLAG_FRAC:
new_flags[:] = True
new_flags = flagged_for_cspa
fh.update(ap_str, flagged_for_cspa, new_flags, 'Redcal chi^2')
fh.summarize('flagging antennas for high redcal chi^2')
for ap_str in ap_strs:
rtp_flags = (class_data['Even/Odd Zeros'][ap_str] == 'bad')
fh.update(ap_str, rtp_flags, rtp_flags, 'Even/Odd Zeros')
fh.summarize('flagging antennas for excess even/odd zeros')
for ap_str in ap_strs:
new_flags = np.array(fh.final_flags[ap_str])
if np.mean(new_flags[~solar_flags]) > OVERALL_MAX_FLAG_FRAC:
new_flags[:] = True
fh.update(ap_str, fh.final_flags[ap_str], new_flags, 'Frequently Flagged')
fh.summarize('flagging frequently-flagged antennas')
0.00% of antenna-files flagged after flagging sun-up data. 12.87% of antenna-files flagged after removing dead antennas. 15.35% of antenna-files flagged after flagging outriggers. 15.84% of antenna-files flagged after removing cross-polarized antennas. 23.76% of antenna-files flagged after removing non-correlating antennas. 35.12% of antenna-files flagged after flagging antennas for Autocorr Power. 40.81% of antenna-files flagged after flagging antennas for Autocorr Shape. 41.06% of antenna-files flagged after flagging antennas for Autocorr Slope. 41.85% of antenna-files flagged after flagging antennas for RFI in Autos. 50.79% of antenna-files flagged after flagging antennas for high redcal chi^2. 50.79% of antenna-files flagged after flagging antennas for excess even/odd zeros. 50.79% of antenna-files flagged after flagging frequently-flagged antennas.
def flagging_board():
cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(['blue', 'black', 'red', 'orange'])
to_plot = np.vstack([np.where(~fh.final_flags[ap_str] & ~original_flags[ap_str], 0,
np.where(~fh.final_flags[ap_str] & original_flags[ap_str], -1,
np.where(fh.final_flags[ap_str] & ~original_flags[ap_str], 2, 1))) for ap_str in ap_strs])
plt.figure(figsize=(14, len(ants) / 10), dpi=100)
plt.imshow(to_plot, aspect='auto', interpolation='none', cmap=cmap, vmin=-1.5, vmax=2.5,
extent=[frac_jds[0], frac_jds[-1], len(ants), 0])
plt.xlabel(f'JD - {int(jds[0])}')
plt.yticks(ticks=np.arange(.5, len(ants)+.5), labels=[ant for ant in ants], fontsize=6)
plt.ylabel('Antenna Number (East First, Then North)')
plt.gca().tick_params(right=True, top=True, labelright=True, labeltop=True)
cbar = plt.colorbar(location='top', aspect=40)
cbar.set_ticks([-1, 0, 1, 2])
cbar.set_ticklabels(['RTP Flag Removed', 'No Flags', 'Flagged by RTP and Here', 'Flagged Here Only'])
This figure summarizes the flagging harmonization performed in this notebook, showing which flags were added (or potentially removed).
def flag_frac_array_plot():
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 8), dpi=100, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [2, 1]})
def flag_frac_panel(ax, antnums, radius=7, legend=False):
ang_dict = {'e': (225, 405), 'n': (45, 225)}
xpos = np.array([hd.antpos[antnum][0] for antnum in ants if antnum in antnums])
ypos = np.array([hd.antpos[antnum][1] for antnum in ants if antnum in antnums])
scatter = ax.scatter(xpos, ypos, c='w', s=0)
for ap_str in ap_strs:
antnum, pol = int(ap_str[:-1]), ap_str[-1]
if antnum in antnums:
ax.add_artist(matplotlib.patches.Wedge(tuple(hd.antpos[antnum][0:2]), radius, *ang_dict[pol], color='grey'))
flag_frac = np.mean(fh.final_flags[ap_str][~solar_flags])
if flag_frac > .05:
ax.add_artist(matplotlib.patches.Wedge(tuple(hd.antpos[antnum][0:2]), radius * np.sqrt(flag_frac), *ang_dict[pol], color='r'))
ax.text(hd.antpos[antnum][0], hd.antpos[antnum][1], str(antnum), color='w', va='center', ha='center', zorder=100)
ax.set_xlim([np.min(xpos) - radius * 2, np.max(xpos) + radius * 2])
ax.set_ylim([np.min(ypos) - radius * 2, np.max(ypos) + radius * 2])
ax.set_xlabel("East-West Position (meters)", size=12)
ax.set_ylabel("North-South Position (meters)", size=12)
if legend:
legend_objs = []
legend_labels = []
legend_objs.append(matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='w', markeredgecolor='grey', markerfacecolor='grey', markersize=15))
unflagged_nights = lambda pol: np.sum([np.mean(~fh.final_flags[ap_str][~solar_flags]) for ap_str in ap_strs if ap_str[-1] == pol])
legend_labels.append((' \u2571\n').join([f'{unflagged_nights(pol):.1f} unflagged {pol}-polarized\nantenna-nights.' for pol in ['e', 'n']]))
legend_objs.append(matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='w', markeredgecolor='red', markerfacecolor='red', markersize=15))
unflagged_nights = lambda pol: np.sum([np.mean(fh.final_flags[ap_str][~solar_flags]) for ap_str in ap_strs if ap_str[-1] == pol])
legend_labels.append((' \u2571\n').join([f'{unflagged_nights(pol):.1f} flagged {pol}-polarized\nantenna-nights.' for pol in ['e', 'n']]))
ax.legend(legend_objs, legend_labels, ncol=1, fontsize=12)
flag_frac_panel(axes[0], [ant for ant in ants if ant < 320], radius=7)
flag_frac_panel(axes[1], [ant for ant in ants if ant >= 320], radius=50, legend=True)
Flagging fraction of nighttime data for each antpol. Top-left semicircles are North-South polarized antpols; bottom right semicircles are East-West polarized antpols. Flag fraction is proportional to red area of each semicircle. Left panel is core antennas, right panel is outriggers.
def flag_summary_vs_jd():
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 5), dpi=100,)
plt.plot(frac_jds, np.mean(np.vstack([fh.final_flags[ap_str] for ap_str in ap_strs if ap_str[-1] == 'e']), axis=0), '.', ms=2, label='EW-Polarized')
plt.plot(frac_jds, np.mean(np.vstack([fh.final_flags[ap_str] for ap_str in ap_strs if ap_str[-1] == 'n']), axis=0), '.', ms=2, label='NS-Polarized')
plt.plot(frac_jds, np.mean(np.vstack([fh.final_flags[ap_str] for ap_str in ap_strs]), axis=0), 'k.', ms=3, label='All Antpols')
plt.xlabel(f'JD - {int(np.floor(jds[0]))}')
plt.ylabel('Fraction of Antennas Flagged')
This plot shows the fraction of the array that's flagged for any reason as a function of time, both overall and per-polarization.
def class_to_int(c):
return np.where(c == 'bad', 1.7, np.where(c=='suspect', 1, 0))
def per_antenna_flag_harmonization_plots():
# compute convolution kernel
kernel = np.exp(-np.arange(-Ncsvs // 2, Ncsvs // 2 + 1)**2 / 2 / SMOOTHING_SCALE_NFILES**2)
kernel /= np.sum(kernel)
# JD computations
djd = np.median(np.diff(jds))
# loop over ant-pols
for ap_str in ap_strs:
# if there are new nighttime flags
if np.sum(fh.final_flags[ap_str][~solar_flags]) > np.sum(original_flags[ap_str][~solar_flags]):
# if the new flags aren't just because of the OVERALL_MAX_FLAG_FRAC
if np.mean(original_flags[ap_str][~solar_flags]) <= OVERALL_MAX_FLAG_FRAC:
for aps, category in fh.history.keys():
if ap_str == aps:
previous_flags, rtp_flags, new_flags = fh.history[(aps, category)]
# if new flags were added for this reason
if np.sum(new_flags) > np.sum(rtp_flags):
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 3), dpi=100)
# plot
plt.scatter(frac_jds, metric_data[category][ap_str], c=class_to_int(class_data[category][ap_str]), s=3,
vmin=0, vmax=1.7, cmap='RdYlGn_r', label='Metric/Classification')
plt.plot(frac_jds, convolve(metric_data[category][ap_str], kernel, mode='reflect'), 'k--', label='Smoothed Metric')
plt.xlabel(f'JD - {int(np.floor(jds[0]))}')
plt.xlim([np.min(frac_jds) - 10 * djd, 1.2 * np.max(frac_jds) - .2 * np.min(frac_jds)])
# Indicate flagged stretches
for i, bad_stretch in enumerate(true_stretches(rtp_flags)):
plt.axvspan(frac_jds[bad_stretch.start] - djd / 2, frac_jds[bad_stretch.stop - 1] + djd / 2, zorder=0, color='red', alpha=.75, lw=0,
label=(f'RTP Flags:\n{np.mean(rtp_flags[~solar_flags]):.2%} of night' if i == 0 else None))
for i, bad_stretch in enumerate(true_stretches(new_flags)):
plt.axvspan(frac_jds[bad_stretch.start] - djd / 2, frac_jds[bad_stretch.stop - 1] + djd / 2, zorder=0, color='orange', alpha=.75, lw=0,
label=(f'Harmonized Flags:\n{np.mean(new_flags[~solar_flags]):.2%} of night' if i == 0 else None))
for i, bad_stretch in enumerate(true_stretches(fh.final_flags[ap_str] & ~new_flags)):
plt.axvspan(frac_jds[bad_stretch.start] - djd / 2, frac_jds[bad_stretch.stop - 1] + djd / 2, zorder=0, color='purple', alpha=.75, lw=0,
label=(f'Other Final Flags:\n{np.mean(fh.final_flags[ap_str][~solar_flags]):.2%} of night' if i == 0 else None))
plt.legend(title=f'{ap_str}: {category}', loc='upper right')
This figure shows antennas that had their flags non-trivially modified by this notebook and tries to show the underlying rationale for why that happened. Sometimes the flag harmonizaton performed here leads to the whole antenna getting flagged; sometimes it just leads to large chunks of the night getting flagged.
add_to_history = 'Produced by full_day_antenna_flagging notebook with the following environment:\n' + '=' * 65 + '\n' + os.popen('conda env export').read() + '=' * 65
out_flag_files = [cal.replace(CAL_SUFFIX, OUT_FLAG_SUFFIX) for cal in cal_files]
for i, (cal, out_flag_file) in enumerate(zip(cal_files, out_flag_files)):
# create UVFlag object based on UVCal
uvc = UVCal()
uvf = UVFlag(uvc, mode='flag')
# fill with flags
for ant_ind, antnum in enumerate(uvf.ant_array):
for pol_ind, polnum in enumerate(uvf.polarization_array):
pol = {'Jee': 'e', 'Jnn': 'n'}[utils.jnum2str(polnum, x_orientation=uvf.x_orientation)]
uvf.flag_array[ant_ind, :, :, pol_ind] = fh.final_flags[f'{antnum}{pol}'][i]
# write to disk
uvf.history += add_to_history
uvf.write(out_flag_file, clobber=True)
for repo in ['hera_cal', 'hera_qm', 'hera_filters', 'hera_notebook_templates', 'pyuvdata']:
exec(f'from {repo} import __version__')
print(f'{repo}: {__version__}')
hera_cal: 3.2.3.dev158+gd5cadd5 hera_qm: 2.1.1.dev3+gb291d34 hera_filters: 0.1.0 hera_notebook_templates: 0.1.dev486+gfb8560a pyuvdata: 2.3.0
print(f'Finished execution in {(time.time() - tstart) / 60:.2f} minutes.')
Finished execution in 2.01 minutes.